Tuesday, May 4, 2010


I think I was about 14 when I saw her first.

The city lights were fading.

Her hair wet and ruffled, clothing stuck to her skin.

I saw her on the pavement.

She made me think of things that I shouldn't, of words that I didn't know I could think.

Dressed in black..

I remember turning around just to look at her, thinking, how could I not know her?

The rain beat out a steady rhythm on the road, it pounded through my head.

And writing wrongs...

The girl continued walking the same way as us, through the rain, to the train.

The station played our favourite song.

The music rattled through the train, as she made her way to her seat.

She said..

Her lips moved as she leant over her phone, numb fingers typing out a message.

I don't think I remember..

Shaun and Andy watched me now, grinning manicaly.

A taste as sweet as this december.

Her hair covered her face, and my heart beat out a rythm that my hands really wanted to follow.

And I know...

But I didn't know, didn't know her at all, even though she wore the same uniform as us, she didn't see us.

No girls did.

That's why we were doing what we do.

I'm coming home..

The train slid with wet noise into our station, and she stood up slowly.

I'm coming home...

My eyes were glued to her form as she faded into the shadows of the street next to ours.

Maybe If she knew who we were, maybe she would notice us.

Maybe anyone would notice us.

The rain formed puddles on the midnight path, as we made our way to my house.

Time to make music.

And I knew just what about.

I'll be your sweet december.


Heyy (: Welcome to Sweet December, A new fanfic.This chapters short, but, it's just a prologue, the next chapters will be as they grow up.
It's a more mature (I hope) fanfic than my other one.
Don't worry, Hardly any more chapters will have the song juxtapositioned in them like this one.
xx @Tkoverload
Oh, and, @killyyy <3